The coast...

As the adventure continues, this past weekend we were at the coast since it was over 70 degrees for a lovely January day...  So like normal, we go for a bike ride in the morning in the morning and in the afternoon we go for a boat ride.  As we left the pier it was such a beautiful Saturday afternoon..  we rode all around and I noticed that the sun was bright and shiny like normal..  However, I noticed a second light source..  so I took out my iphone and took a picture.  

If you continue to view the picture, you will notice the second light source and also we had a visitor or orb as you can notice in the picture as well.  If must have been following us for a while, didn't really notice before ....only when I took this picture.
As we kept riding around like normal, I did a few white orbs in the atmosphere that quickly disappeared.  As it was getting late, we decided to go back home and chill out.  
That night, I noticed a few interesting stars (they looked more fake) but nevertheless, they were there..

The next morning I woke up and noticed a strange red mark on my hand, it didn't itch and it wasn't sore....could not imagine what could have caused it..  I did take a picture of it, by the time I took the picture, the mark lightened up a bit..  but you can still see it..

I guess the adventure will continue....


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