Helicopters and UFO's

SO it continues that I see more things!

So this past evening, September 24th was an interesting night.....   First started off with helicopters going over the house and heading to McGee's crossroads.

After about 10 minutes, I went outside to the back porch and noticed another copter flying really close to the house and heard a second one also.  At this point, I went to the front of the house and saw one of the helicopters flying to the West ... and the second one was over my neighbors house just sitting there.. As I looked closer, I noticed a red/blue/white orb blinking and then I saw a second..  the copters were watching it and hovering around them...  this went on for about 10-15 minutes and at this point, two neighbors were walking down the hill of where my house sits and noticed the blinky lights also and the copters following them.

Then, with the moon so bright, I noticed a larger object coming close to my house.  The only reason why I noticed it was because the reflection of the moon, reflected off of this object.  The object was shaped like a leaf.. I could not determine the size of it.  But it was big and quiet.  It stopped moving and it was positioned over my house and I saw one red light blink once.  I got a unnerving feeling, went into the house and locked the door.

And today, the copters have been flying all around my house today.. I guess looking for something.. I reported it to MUFON, report link below:



  1. Seems that NC has more incidents than CA. Very curious, especially when copters are involved.
    In the area I live in, there are copters sometimes that seems to show up after an incidents and then quickly leave.

    Do you know if these where military or civilian type copters?

    1. Lately, it has been very interesting. These are military, reminds my of black hawk. They were just following the visitors. Even last night sitting on the front porch, I noticed 4 stars and one decided to move downward.. oh the fun continues!

  2. Hi,
    This is interesting with the helicopters. Because in 2008, when the hauntings begun in my old house, I started hearing helicopters outside the house during night. I lived close to a hospital so I thought that they were heading there... but... since that year I often see helicopters flying around where I live. And I have moved several time since 2008. It's like the helicopters are searching for something. Another thing, when these "hauntings" began (the same month) I also saw an UFO flying above my car.

    1. Eva, this is a weekly thing for me now. Constantly seeing objects flying around me.


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