Dreams again from my childhood and present

So last night I had a few dreams that we're very interesting and I am not sure how to take them as one sparked one dream and the second dream.

Dream 1: 
I was laying in my bed along with my partner and I heard a noise on the roof, I brushed it off as rain since it's been raining here for the last week.  Then it sounded like someone was running down the stairs and running into my bedroom, at that time I looked up and it was a large Ant/bee creature.  This actually scared me for the first time and began to yell and I was woken up by my partner.  

Dream 2:

This dream took me 10-20 years in the past and I was sitting in the kitchen playing with my dog Bandit and we were playing ball and all of a sudden, something dragged/pushed him into the kitchen and into one of the curves in the kitchen.  As I ran to him, I tried to wake him up and he was OUT cold.  I then heard/saw the front door open up and a light coming thru the door and that was it.. I woke up.  

As I woke up from this dream, I sat there at 3:30 am thinking of all this.  One thought was that our kitchen didn't have that curve near the cabinets and we didn't have an open floor plan.  So is made up to show me or tell me something that happened in my past??  Another thought to ponder, I have a alarm on every night at my house that has sensors, so how could this creature get down to my bedroom from the roof?   Another thought, at least I thought that I was no longer afraid of these beings.. apparently, there is a hidden thought/memory that scared me about this.  

Just when I thought that I was getting a handle on this..  it brings back more memories..


  1. Yes, you were not actually back in your past, but were living a simulated re-creation, I am sure. The dog being out cold seems to suggest to me their ability to "deneuralize" people and animals so that they are unaware that they are visiting. The beings you described in Dream #1 are Mantids, which are healers, especially of children who have crossed. Dream #2 is indeed bringing up perhaps the notion that you have had unremembered contact since the time that you visited in this experience. They can manifest around any sensors because they are not of the same physical reality that sensors are made to detect.

  2. That is very intersting. There is a person in Croatia who has been seeing insect-like beings as well. She says they are akin to wasps and where whitish. She says she had the feeling from them that they were protecting her from the Greys.

    As Linda said these are mostly likely re-recreations and residual memories. With my dogs, they have been zonked out in the past. Also they may be using the recreation in you dreams to map out what you know of you home.... like a test run. So they know the layout and entry ways as well as any precautions they might need to take.

    Just stay alert and keep posting. As long as your not feeling fear or threatened it should be okay.

  3. I too have been visited by those insect-like beings. It happend during 2011-2012 maybe 2-3 times.


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